Signing up for Klimo Pro is a quick, four step process — it should take less than 5 minutes to sign up.

Creating an account is required as Klimo Pro is built to provide Wet Bulb Globe Temperature insights at a site-specific level. For data security, every Site created must be associated with (and nested within) a user account. For more information, see the FAQs below.

If you’d like to learn more about Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WGBT), visit

Steps to Sign Up

  1. Create your user account (required)
    1. You will first enter your first name, last name, email address and secure password.
    2. You will then verify your email address by entering a One Time Passcode (OTP).
  2. Create an Organization (optional)
    1. Creating an organization is optional.
    2. If you create an organization, you will be the primary admin of that organization.
    3. Most users using Klimo Pro for work (school, athletics, landscaping company, golf course, etc) use the name of their company or organization when creating an organization.
  3. Select your Policy Group (required)
    1. A Policy Group is a group of Policies that provide activity accommodation information to users based on the current WBGT value.
    2. Klimo Pro relays activity accommodation information to users that is produced by organizations that have WBGT-specific heat health policies. Additionally, there is a Klimo Insights Policy Group that you can use if you do not adhere to organization-specific policies.
  4. Create your first Site (required)
    1. To create a site, you will enter the physical address of a location.
    2. This location can be anything with a valid physical address, from a school to a local park to a golf course.


Why do you require accounts to use Klimo Pro?

Klimo Pro is built with a framework in which users create Sites (or physical locations). Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is an index that requires hyper-local information to be used accurately.

With this being said, Klimo Pro does not provide generic WBGT values for large areas (such as an entire city or even an entire community). The value of WBGT and the value of Klimo Pro is that the WBGT values that are provided to users (for both the nowcast and the forecast) are uniquely determined based on the Site’s location.

We require accounts so that we can associate the Sites you create with your user account.

What happens in the background after I create my account?

We create the record(s) of your user and organization (if applicable) in our secure databases. Our platform, Klimo Engine, then gets to work reviewing and synthesizing thousands of rows of accessible and reliable weather data to provide you with the most accurate WBGT information for the Site you create. At this point, we also initiate the trial period for your account so you are able to manage your account and subscription after signing up.

Can I use Klimo Pro without an account?

An account is required to use Klimo Pro.

What if I have issues creating an account?

Our Support Team is happy to assist! They can be contacted by visiting